How to master Mobile Application Development



n today’s fast-paced digital era, mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. From social networking to banking, fitness tracking to shopping, mobile apps cover a vast array of functionalities, making them indispensable tools for both personal and professional use. As a result, the demand for skilled mobile app developers has skyrocketed, creating a wealth of opportunities for those who can master this craft.

Mastering mobile application development is not just about learning to code; it’s about understanding the entire ecosystem that surrounds app creation. It involves a blend of creativity, technical skills, and a keen understanding of user experience. Whether you’re an aspiring developer or an experienced programmer looking to pivot into the mobile space, mastering this field can open doors to innovative projects and lucrative career prospects.

Who is a Mobile App Developer?

A mobile app developer is a software engineer who specializes in creating applications for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. These professionals are skilled in designing, coding, testing, and maintaining apps that run on various mobile platforms like iOS, Android, and sometimes even on cross-platform frameworks.

What Does a Mobile App Developer Do?

  1. Design and Development: Mobile app developers are responsible for the entire development lifecycle of an app, from conceptualization to deployment. This includes designing the user interface (UI), writing the code, and integrating necessary functionalities.
  2. Platform Specialization: Developers typically specialize in one or more mobile platforms. For instance, an iOS developer will be proficient in Swift or Objective-C, while an Android developer will be skilled in Java or Kotlin. Some developers use cross-platform technologies like React Native or Flutter to create apps that work on multiple platforms.

3. User Experience (UX) Focus: A significant part of a mobile app developer’s role is to ensure that the app is user-friendly and intuitive. This involves understanding user needs, conducting usability tests, and continuously refining the app’s design and functionality.

4. Performance Optimization: Mobile app developers must ensure that their apps perform well on different devices, consuming minimal resources while providing a smooth user experience. This includes optimizing code, reducing load times, and ensuring compatibility with various hardware configurations.

5. Testing and Debugging: Rigorous testing is crucial to ensure that the app is free from bugs and glitches. Developers use various testing methodologies and tools to identify and fix issues before the app is released to the public.

6. Maintenance and Updates: After an app is launched, the work doesn’t stop. Developers must continually update the app to add new features, fix bugs, and ensure compatibility with new versions of the operating system and devices.

How to Become a Mobile App Developer?

Becoming a mobile app developer requires a blend of technical skills, practical experience, and a proactive approach to learning. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you embark on this exciting career path:

  1. Learn the Basics of Mobile App Development
    Start by understanding the fundamentals of mobile app development. Familiarize yourself with the mobile development lifecycle, which includes planning, designing, coding, testing, and deployment. Learn about the different types of mobile apps—native, web, and hybrid—and the pros and cons of each. Grasping these basics will give you a solid foundation and help you decide which path to pursue.
  1. Learn Essential Programming Languages
    To develop mobile apps, you need to master certain programming languages based on the platform you choose:
  • iOS Development: Learn Swift or Objective-C. Swift is the more modern and preferred language for iOS development due to its simplicity and powerful features.
  • Android Development: Learn Java or Kotlin. Kotlin is now the preferred language for Android development, offering a more concise and efficient syntax compared to Java.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Learn JavaScript along with frameworks like React Native or Flutter. These frameworks allow you to create apps that run on both iOS and Android from a single codebase.
  1. Practice Your Mobile App Development Skills
    The best way to learn is by doing. Start building simple applications to apply what you’ve learned. As you progress, take on more complex projects that challenge your skills and expand your knowledge. Practicing regularly helps you understand the intricacies of mobile app development and builds your confidence.
  1. Join a Mobile App Developer Community
    Being part of a developer community can accelerate your learning process. Join online forums, social media groups, and local meetups to connect with other developers. Communities provide support, share valuable resources, and offer opportunities for collaboration.
  1. Build a Mobile App Developer Portfolio
    A strong portfolio showcases your skills and projects to potential employers or clients. Create a portfolio that includes a variety of your best work, demonstrating your ability to develop functional and user-friendly apps.
  1. Apply for a Mobile App Developer Internship or Job
    Once you’ve built a solid foundation and a strong portfolio, start applying for internships or entry-level positions. These opportunities provide real-world experience and allow you to work on professional projects under the guidance of experienced developers.

The Average Mobile App Developer Salary (in India)

The mobile app development industry in India has seen significant growth in recent years, driven by the proliferation of smartphones and the increasing demand for mobile applications across various sectors. As a result, the demand for skilled mobile app developers has risen, making it a lucrative career choice. Here’s an overview of what you can expect to earn as a mobile app developer in India.

  1. Entry-Level Mobile App Developer Salary
    For fresh graduates or those with less than a year of experience, the average salary ranges from â‚đ3,00,000 to â‚đ5,00,000 per annum. Entry-level developers typically work under the guidance of more experienced colleagues and focus on learning and honing their skills.
  1.  Mid-Level Mobile App Developer Salary
    With a few years of experience (2-5 years), developers can expect to earn between â‚đ6,00,000 and â‚đ12,00,000 per annum. At this stage, developers are expected to handle more complex tasks, work on multiple projects, and possibly mentor junior developers.
  2. Senior Mobile App Developer Salary
    Senior developers with extensive experience (5-10 years) can command salaries ranging from â‚đ12,00,000 to â‚đ20,00,000 per annum. These professionals often lead development teams, manage projects, and make crucial decisions regarding app architecture and design.

Key Skills a Mobile App Developer Must Have

Becoming a proficient mobile app developer requires a diverse set of skills that go beyond just coding. Here are the key skills every mobile app developer should possess to excel in the field:

  • Proficiency in Programming Languages
  • Understanding of Mobile App Architecture
  • Knowledge of Development Tools and Environments
  • UI/UX Design Principles
  • Backend Computing Skills
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Knowledge of Version Control Systems
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Problem-Solving and Analytical Skills
  • Communication and Collaboration

What You’ll Do

As a mobile app developer, you will be at the forefront of creating applications that enhance user experiences and solve real-world problems. Your primary role involves designing, coding, testing, and maintaining mobile applications for platforms such as iOS and Android.

You will work closely with designers to implement user interfaces, ensuring that the apps are both visually appealing and intuitive to use. Your day-to-day tasks will include writing clean, efficient code, debugging issues, and implementing new features based on user feedback and market trends.

Who You’ll Work With

In addition to coding, you will collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product managers, UX/UI designers, and backend developers, to ensure seamless integration and functionality of the app.

You’ll participate in code reviews, provide technical guidance, and stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies. Continuous learning and adapting to new programming languages, tools, and frameworks will be crucial, as the mobile app development field is constantly evolving.


Mastering mobile application development is a journey that requires dedication, continuous learning, and a blend of technical and creative skills. By starting with the basics and gradually building your knowledge of essential programming languages and development tools, you lay a solid foundation for your career. Practicing your skills through real-world projects, joining developer communities, and constantly seeking feedback will help you refine your abilities and stay current with industry trends.

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5 Ways to grow your business using Digital Marketing (2023)


Running a business in 2023 is not a small feat, for growing the business and to sustain in this highly competitive world it has become very difficult without digital marketing. After the digital revolution it has become increasingly difficult for any business to sustain just by traditional marketing. Digital marketing is super affordable and a great way to grow your business.

The Internet has revolutionised the entire globe making digital marketing an essential marketing channel to effectively grow a business. In this article, we’ll discuss five ways that digital marketing can help your small business grow. We’ll also provide tips on how to start using digital marketing, so you can get started right away.

In this article, we’ll discuss five ways that digital 
marketing can help your small business grow.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of creating and delivering an effective message that uses digital channels to reach and engage customers. It includes the use of digital technologies such as websites, email, social media, and mobile apps. Digital marketing is an essential part of a company’s marketing strategy, and it can help them reach new customers, increase sales, and build brand awareness. If you’re not using digital marketing tools to reach your customers, you’re missing out on an opportunity to grow your business.

Digital marketing is the practice of using digital channels (such as websites, social media, email, and mobile apps) to reach and engage customers with your brand. It can be used to promote your products and services, build brand awareness, and drive leads and sales.

5 Ways to grow your small business using Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the use of digital technologies to deliver marketing messages and interact with customers or users. It includes activities such as web site design, online advertising, email marketing, and promotion through social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Let’s have a look at 5 most important aspects that you should have to grow your business using digital marketing.

Get a website for your business

A website is a powerful tool that can help your business grow and expand. It’s the first step in building a strong online presence for your business, and it’s essential if you want to attract new customers, lead more successful sales transactions, and build a positive reputation in the market.

There are many different types of websites available today, so it’s important to choose the one that best suits your needs and objectives. You can have a simple website or a more complex one, depending on what you want to achieve.

The most important part of website design is to make sure that it’s user-friendly and easy to navigate. This means that you need to make sure all the content is well organised and easy to find, as well as user-friendly formatting such as headings and subheadings. You also need to make sure that all images are properly placed and sized so they don’t negatively affect page loading times or other visual aspects of the website. You could get in touch with a web development agency to have a robust and efficient website.

Finally, make sure you have an up-to-date SEO strategy in place so your website ranks high on search engines like Google. This will ensure that people find it when they’re looking for information about your business or products.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience and drive traffic to your website. By using social media platforms to share your content and connect with potential customers, you can create a strong relationship that will help you sell more products or services. Have a look at social media marketing case studies.

  1. Create attractive content that’s easy to understand and share. Your goal is not only to attract readers’ attention but also to keep them engaged so that they’ll return again and again. Make sure all of your content is high quality and relevant to your target audience, so that it will be shared widely by those who matter most (your followers).
  2. Use social media platforms effectively in order to create a strong lead generation strategy. When you publish valuable content on social media, it will generate leads that you can then convert into sales opportunities through email campaigns or other forms of direct marketing.
  3. Make use of Facebook, Instagram and other social media channels to run ads about your business to generate leads. These platforms have a vast number of users and can take your business global and get you more leads and clients.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Digital marketing is a strategic process that you can use to improve your website’s visibility and organic search engine rankings. SEO is the practice of optimising your website content and metadata in a way that makes it more likely to be found by search engines.

The benefits of SEO for your business are numerous and include: Increased traffic, leads, and sales. Improved brand recognition and online credibility. Increased popularity and authority on social media platforms. Reduces costs compared to traditional marketing methods.

There are many different ways to achieve SEO success, but the most important thing is to make sure that you’re targeting the right keywords and focusing on high-quality content. By doing this, you’ll be able to attract the right kind of traffic that will help you grow your business! Get help from a digital marketing agency to make sure you cover all aspects of SEO like On-Page, Off-page and Technical SEO and stay ahead of your competition.

Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful tool that can help you grow your small business. Here are five ways it can help:

  1. Target your audience with precision: Google Ads allows you to target your ads to specific demographics, such as age, location, and interests. This means that you can reach your target audience more effectively and reduce the costs associated with ineffective ad campaigns.
  2. Boost your visibility and reach: AdWords allows you to place ads on Google search results and across other Google sites (such as YouTube and Gmail). This means that your ads will be seen by a larger number of people, which could lead to increased sales.
  3. Save money on advertising costs: By targeting your ads properly, you can often minimize the cost of advertising relative to the amount of traffic that they generate. This means that you can spend less money on promoting your business and more money on growing it organically.
  4. Increase brand awareness: By placing effective ads, you can increase brand awareness amongst potential customers who may have never heard of you before. This could lead them to make a purchase or sign up for your email list, providing you with valuable leads for future marketing campaigns.
  5. Generate feedback and learn from it: As with any marketing campaign, effective digital marketing requires ongoing feedback in order to improvise and make the process more effective and the campaign more profitable.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your small business. It’s simple to set up, and it can be used to reach a wide range of people with your message.

There are a number of different email marketing tools available, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, the most popular ones include MailChimp, Constant Contact, and AWeber.

Once you have chosen an email marketing tool, the next step is to create your first campaign. This will involve designing a template for your emails and setting up your campaign settings. You’ll also need to decide how often you want to send out emails (daily, weekly, or monthly), as well as what content you want to include in each email.

Once you’ve created your campaign and set up your settings, it’s time to start sending out emails! The best way to do this is by using targeting options that take into account your audience’s interests and demographics. You can also segment them by geographical location or company size.

Overall, email marketing is an extremely effective way to grow your small business. By targeting the right people with the right message at the right time, you can boost engagement rates and achieve positive results in no time! Email Marketing is the most cost-effective digital marketing campaign.


Digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your small business in 2023. It can help you reach a wider audience, create more leads, and drive more sales. If you’re a business owner who is looking for ways to grow your company, digital marketing may be the perfect solution for you. Not only is digital marketing effective in driving traffic to your website and landing pages, but it’s also affordable and scalable. You can consult a digital marketing agency to start right and get an edge over the competitor.

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7 Phases of Software Development Life Cycle


If you are in an IT industry, you would have come across the term SDLC also known as System Development Life Cycle. The software development industry has seen significant growth over the decades, from Y2K to Artificial intelligence. There have been numerous innovative processes and technologies that various IT companies have developed to make their workplace more efficient and the software more robust.

Over the decades, the IT industry has seen changes in software, tools, platforms, and hardware. One thing that remained constant and solidified is the Software development life cycle. The SDLC has become an integral part of every Custom Software Development Company. In this article, let’s dive deep into the 7 phases of the software development life cycle.

In this article let’s understand the 7 phases of Software Development Life Cycle, and how to implement it successfully in a project,

What is Software Development Life

Simply put, SDLC is about having a perfect plan before jumping into the software coding phase. The software development life cycle is a seamless framework that defines every task to be performed in every step of the software development process. This methodology would aim to improve the software’s quality and the overall development process.

These detailed steps would help the company reduce waste and boost the efficiency of the development. Monitoring the process also ensures that the project stays on track and that the company’s investment is feasible.

Most experienced software companies further subdivide these seven steps into small units. For example, the planning phase may be divided into further small units like Cost-benefit analysis, technology research, and marketing research. Few organisations combine a few steps like testing and development into one phase to have seamless communication between the testing and development team.

7 Phases of Software Development Life Cycle

Implementing these steps is complicated; to ease the implementation of the SDLC process, you must understand the details of each phase. Here are the seven stages of a software development life cycle.


The first step of the Software development life cycle is planning. The management and various team leaders are involved in this stage. Initially, the team would define the scope and purpose of the project. This phase entitles multiple vital aspects of the project to determine the feasibility report, right system for development, and project plan.

The planning team would pen down all the project details and create the application outline. In this stage, the following aspects are discussed to introduce in the project plan.

  • The goal of the project
  • Structure of the team
  • Leadership team
  • Material Cost
  • Tools required
  • Labour Cost
  • Time Frame
  • Security
  • Other Critical issues

The boundary conditions for the project would be decided in this phase to ensure that the project won’t expand or deviate from the actual purpose. During the planning phase, feedback from stakeholders, developers, potential customers, sales representatives, and subject matter experts is considered to make an informed decision. The software development company would refer to its portfolio and talent team to ensure the project is feasible and profitable.


The development team would be taking control of the project from this stage. Here the team would have discussions with the client and internally to understand the end-user requirement. Usually, the subject matter experts are included during the decision-making of the requirements.

The developers would create a Software Requirement Specification(SRS) document in this stage. This document would contain all the requirements of network specifications, software, and hardware. This document would prevent the team from overdrawing resources or cash. The output of this phase can be the SRS document or an agile methodology or a waterfall listing the tasks, applications and functionalities.

Design & Prototyping

The design phase happens just before the coding phase. We have now detailed the outline and requirements of the software application. In this phase, the team will be focused on the programming and application architecture. The stage will zero in on the details like the programming language, software industry practices, and problem-solving tasks. The user interface team will start creating the prototyping and design. The security of the software and the application like user data management, hosting details and security issues will also be decided in this stage.

Most software development companies would plan to build the prototype during this stage. This prototype would be verified by the stakeholders, clients, and potential users to eliminate any risks associated with the project. Prototyping and validation is the most efficient practice to understand if there is room for improvement and if the application meets the design requirements.

Software Development

In this stage, the developers will use the chosen software and programming language to start writing the actual codes to develop the application. The company might allocate a single developer to complete the project if it is straightforward software. But if the project is long, the company would break up the project into several teams. The company must use a source code management application; this system would enable the developers to manage and track the changes in the code.

The coding process would also include other tasks; the developers might need to brush their skills or would require motivation to work as a team. There can also be delays in finding and fixing the glitches and errors. Compiling code and testing results is also a time-consuming process. Following SDCL would help the ManagementManagement to anticipate these delays so that the developers can work on other tasks.

A document would be created in this stage, and it could be as formal as a user guide for the software or informal like comments which explain the source code to the developers. These documents make the software intuitive and easy to use. Other documents like FAQs, user guides, and troubleshooting guides will help users solve problems.


This stage begins as soon as the coding phase is completed. In most cases, the coding and testing teams work in parallel to find and clear the bug and satisfy the test cases during this stage. The testing team’s primary goal is to ensure that every feature and aspect works as expected. Some aspects of testing, like security, are automated. The team creates various environments to test the performance of the software application. It should work seamlessly without any lags or delays.

The testing team extensively uses an SRS document to understand the requirements, boundary conditions, test cases, and objectives. SRS documents are also used to identify the software, tools and techniques the team has to use to perform the testing. The end product of testing would be to reduce the glitches to promote a better user experience.


The deployment phase is highly automated. This process won’t be visible in most well-developed software development companies. The process would be a bit manual in a less matured software development company, mainly for approvals. In this stage, the developers will initially push the software application to various environments, and all types of stakeholders will be able to use the application to its full extent.

Various bugs, user interface errors, and usability issues will be corrected in this stage. Once this initial deployment is complete, the software will be pushed to the public for global access. If the application is for internal use, it would be installed on the company’s server, making it accessible for everyone in the company.

Operations & Maintenance

Now that the software is out for usage doesn’t mean that the software development cycle has ended. Now that the software application is in use, the user might have discovered more bugs, which the software development company should update. There also should be frequent updates to the software that has rectified the bugs and issues present in the software.

For software of small scale, the maintenance phase might be small as the number of bugs to be fixed will be minimal. If we are talking about a massive project, the maintenance must have a unique team to deal with the bugs and push new features in the latest updates. There would be an additional life cycle that would be designed to cater to the maintenance and operation support for the software.


Following these seven phases of the software development life cycle is very critical for the success of the project. For any IT professional, it is crucial to understand how an SDLC process would work. If you plan on building new software, follow these 7 phases to ensure that you have created efficient, cost-effective, and perfect software. If you have any difficulties, feel free to contact a software development company that can guide you in every step to concur your goal.

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Why every Business should have a Mobile App


The world is turning digital at a rapid pace; every business has started to integrate the latest technologies with their company to grow with the world and not miss out on any opportunity. The number of smartphone users is on a steep rise; as per the research by the Ericsson group, 83.72% of the World Population are using a smartphone. Internet penetration into rural and urban areas has also increased drastically. Over 5 billion people use the internet globally, which is almost 63% of the world’s population. Smartphones are incomplete without apps; people use apps on a daily basis. During the year 2021, there were over 230 billion app downloads.

These statistics and data can be overwhelming to small and medium-scale businesses. There is also a stigma around the companies that having a website and social media page is sufficient to move their business digital. Contrary to that belief, more than 42% of small businesses own a mobile application. Mobile application is also a must-have feature for any business. Just look around you. Almost every outlet, trade, or small shop has its own mobile App. The bakeries, spas, and salons would have reached out to mobile app development companies to have their dedicated mobile apps.

If you are still thinking about why every business should have a mobile app, then skim through this article and understand the benefits businesses could reap by having a mobile application.

Reasons why every business should have a mobile app

Having a mobile application is not just going with the trend or FOMO. Still, it is a great idea to stay ahead of your competitors.

Be more visible to your customer

According to the statistics, an Indian would spend over 4 hours and 30 minutes using their mobile devices on average. During this period, they would use a handful of applications, the most commonly used social media, and chatting apps. But to use these apps, the user must unlock, scroll, search, and scan their phone to find the App. While doing so, they would come across your apps, and the image and text of your App would stay on their mind subconsciously, creating brand awareness, thus boosting brand visibility.

Customer Loyalty Program

The great thing about the mobile application is that it would enable the C-Level executives to engage and interact with customers directly. The in-app purchases, notifications, and ads in the App would create more impact on the brand to the customers than other marketing channels. The traditional marketing channels like roadside banners, pamphlets, brochures, and digital marketing channels like social media advertisements and email marketing are found to create less impact compared to a mobile application.

Providing loyalty points to customers for purchases, app visits, going through recipes or blogs, or attending a survey would make customers more loyal to your brand and come back to use those loyalty points, building a solid bond.

App as a Marketing tool

Well, we just discussed how loyalty programs act as an excellent means to reach and build awareness about your brand to your customers compared to other traditional and digital marketing activities. Another critical aspect of the App promotes your brand, product, and service like never before. The thing we are talking about is Notifications. A good app development company would enable notifications for your App.

As a business owner, you might think that notification is disturbing and causes irritation to the customers. But using the proper notifications would boost your brand identity, loyalty, and sales. The notifications can be used to send alerts, offers, discounts, coupons, updates, or even bring a smile to your customer’s face. Push notifications are the most effective marketing tool in mobile applications.

Improve Customer Service

Customer service is the most important aspect of the success of any business. The Customer support team acts as the face of your brand. Having vital customer service can boost your company’s sales very effectively. In today’s world, customer service is changing very rapidly. There are very few customers who are reaching out for support through calls. Most customers feel it is more comfortable to reach out to customer service through chat.

A mobile application lets customers interact with the live customer support team through a simple click of a button. These chats can be optimized by quick FAQs and automation before a person from the customer support team turns in for personalized live assistance. Most customers want to deal with customer support through chat rather than traditional means of call or email.

Understand your customers better

Growing your business in the 21st century without analytics is next to impossible. A mobile application would help your business gather many important insights about your customers. The insights would help you revisit and mold your user behaviour, thus helping your business form a more rigid and focused marketing strategy.

If your product/service provides value to the customer, the customer would be willing to share valuable information. There are also a lot of analytical tools like firebase, google analytics, and uxcam, which your mobile app development agency could integrate with the App. These would help you get some valuable insights like

  • User’s age, gender, demographics, device type, and much more
  • Retention rates
  • Daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly users
  • Uninstalls and Downloads

Stay ahead of your competition

Many businesses are slowly trying to adapt to digital transformation. Your competitors would probably be in the same state as your organization. Keeping up with the competition in this competitive world is a very onerous task. Mobile applications can give you a competitive edge over the market. The main reason is the increased use of mobile devices.

Mobile apps cater better to the customer compared to conve ntional channels like websites. For every business, a mobile app can highly benefit your business irrespective of the product/service you offer. You can reach out to the best mobile app development company by referring to their portfolio to discuss the design and features that your App can have to provide maximum benefit to the customer.

Increase your Return on Investment

As a business owner, you might be concerned about the cost of building a mobile application. But once you discuss with your mobile app development company, you will understand that the benefits outweigh the cost, and your ROI on the investment will be covered in a short period.

Launching your mobile application in various stores like the apple store, google play store enables you to expand the brand presence to a much wider audience. People who might not have known about your brand would come across your App and might convert into a customer. Apart from this, engaging with existing clients through apps would also boost your brand value and increase the company’s sales.


Every business, be it a startup, market player, or enterprise, would need a mobile application. In this article, we have discussed the importance of mobile apps for a business. Essentially mobile applications can help business in a number of ways; it gives the organization control over aspects like branding, scalability, customer interaction, security, and Engagement. To stay atop your competitors, get started on your mobile application today. Contact Coderz to plan and design your mobile App today.

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8 Reasons to choose WordPress Over other CMS


As the world is moving fast, it is turning everything digital. Advancement in technology has made it possible to do almost everything we need at a tap of a button. The Internet has grown tremendously in the past decade due to the penetration of mobile phones. Today more than a 4.66billion people around the globe have access to the Internet. There are more than 1.8 billion websites hosted on Internet today.

The Internet has changed the business perspective now. More people are opting to buy online than in a physical store. Sure, enough, the eCommerce market is booming with businesses and consumers coming online. Through the medium of the Internet, businesses are expanding easily and getting customers from all around the globe. As per estimates, in 2020, eCommerce sales became a whopping 4.28 trillion-dollar industry. Here let’s have a look at reasons to choose WordPress

What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

As the Internet is growing, websites are being created every minute. The Developers are looking for a tool that can FastTrack the process. Building a website became much easier with CMS. A few years ago, it would take a lot of programming and a professional to build a website from scratch. But today, CMS has made it easy for anyone to build a website with a little bit of technical skill and a lot of practice.

CMS is software using which a user can build, modify, and manage a website with little or no technical knowledge. CMS gives you a friendly and user-friendly user interface to build your website without any coding required. Over 43.6% of the websites in the world use custom-made CMS.

What is WordPress?

It is a free and open-source Content Management system. WordPress is a CMS primarily used to build websites. It is the most popular CMS in the market; it holds more than 62% of the CMS market share. One in three websites hosted on the Internet is managed by WordPress. 41% of websites on the Internet use WordPress. Over the years, WordPress has grown into a huge and trusted community. Its open-source certification gave an opportunity to numerous developers to strengthen and innovate in WordPress. Monthly meetups are held in 817 cities worldwide, where thousands of developers, site owners, and content creators come together. Its easy-to-use strategy welcomes more and more users on board.

Eight reasons why WordPress is better than other CMS

1.Open Source

WordPress is one of the oldest CMS, and one of the main reasons for its tremendous growth is its being an open-source platform. So, what benefits do you have from an open-source platform? It is very easy to make any modification you need by manipulating the source code. You can also distribute the modified content without any trouble.Its open-source feature enabled various developers worldwide to develop and update the WordPress software. So, you will always be using the best version of WordPress. Open-source has helped various developers to enrich WordPress features by creating various feature-rich Plugins and Themes.

2. It’s Free

Apart from being an Open-source. Another important and key feature of WordPress is that it is free of cost and is available for all. However, WordPress has many premium add-ons, but the core WordPress is free of cost. It also provides a free hosting service with the subdomain for bloggers beginning their journey.

WordPress can be easily installed and deployed on any server for free. Most web hosting services provide one-click WordPress installation. Hosting providers also have unique plans for exclusively managing WordPress sites. Most of the time, you get access to many premium WordPress features when using a hosting service.

3. User Friendly

The backend interface of WordPress is very user-friendly. The developers keep in mind the importance of keeping the interface easy to use while developing and updating. Anyone with minimal knowledge can easily learn, interact with the interface and create the websites they need. 

 It is also filled with various themes for various categories. You can choose a theme that you like. There are also many plugins available in the CMS, using which you can customize your site and add any features you require. This has made building websites less time-consuming and efficient.

4. Customizable

Many people think WordPress can only be used for blogging by bloggers. But in reality, if you have good knowledge of the themes and plugins available in the CMS, you can build any website you like using WordPress. You can build websites like:

  • eCommerce Store
  • Business Website
  • Service Website
  • Portfolio Websites
  • NGO Websites
  • Auction based Websites
  • Job Portal Website  

WordPress is not only limited to these types. A huge thanks to the 56000+ plugins available on the platform for making all this possible. If it weren’t for plugins and themes, building complicated sites in WordPress would be a never-ending task. 

A Famous plugin called WooCommerce helps build an E-Commerce store where owners can sell physical and digital products. It is used by most of the eCommerce businesses running on this platform. Many other great plugins to optimise and add features to your site.

5. Multilingual

The best industry practices of WordPress have helped it to grow and become close to the users. The ultimate aim of all the developers and WordPress is to make the website easily accessible to all people, including people with sensory impairment. Also, it aims to run the WordPress site on any platform.

There is a handbook for developers who build themes and plugins to follow a process and meet standards. Few tools are available to check the accessibility of the site. WordPress supports more than 180 languages. There are plugins available to bring this feature to life. 

6. A huge Community

The software is pretty easy to understand and use, which doesn’t mean there will be no trouble for you down the line. We make mistakes, and when we are stuck on a problem, there is a huge support forum with hundreds of thousands of developers and users. This community will help you with almost anything in no time. 

There are also thousands of documents available on the website that is easily accessible by anyone. This documentation has all the details you need. One can also make changes in the code by using this documentation for more customization of your website.

7. Security

Its huge customer base and reach must also mean that it has gained a lot of interest from hackers. The developers understand the risk in the platform and the importance of safeguarding your content. Well, don’t worry; as developers continuously update WordPress, they ensure WordPress is safe from its core.

Also, numerous plugins like sucuri security and jetpack are available, whose main objective is to keep your website safe. There are plugins that backup all your data and design at regular intervals. The best part is that most of these plugins and features are available free of cost. 

8. SEO Friendly

The structure of WordPress is extremely search engine friendly. The editor where you edit all your content has places for your Title, description, H1, H2, tags, and alt text. Filling all these will be easier and makes your content SEO friendly. 

A good SEO means more traffic to the website from the search engine and a good site ranking. WordPress’s fast and responsive feature lets your website load at good speed on any platform.

Apart from this, many plugins like Yoast SEO and All-in-one SEO are available to make your website more SEO optimized and help you analyze your content and add multiple features for a better site ranking. 


WordPress is the best CMS platform out there; the number of users and developers can speak for the success of the CMS. It is very easy to design a website in less time and with no programming knowledge. The army of plugins and themes available in WordPress makes it easy for website owners to add various functionality and customize their website in any way they want. The plugins also keep the website safe and SEO optimized. WordPress is the best place to start your business or personal website. 

If you are looking for experienced developers to build a website, contact Coderz Vision Technology Team.

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